
more info about rosary #68
Rosary #68  1/12
more info about rosary #81
Rosary #81  2/12
more info about rosary #21
Rosary #21  3/12
more info about rosary #63
Rosary #63  4/12
more info about rosary #67
Rosary #67  5/12
more info about rosary #54
Rosary #54  6/12
more info about rosary #60
Rosary #60  7/12
more info about rosary #39
Rosary #39  8/12
more info about rosary #79
Rosary #79  9/12
more info about rosary #9
Rosary #9  10/12
more info about rosary #3
Rosary #3  11/12
more info about rosary #41
Rosary #41  12/12

Rosary Resources

These are some rosary-related resources that I enjoy. You'll note that some of them duplicate info I might have here. For example, if you want to learn how to pray the rosary, you can simply check out my "How To Pray The Rosary" page. But I've also provided a few links here from other folks doing the same thing. I don't care if you prefer mine or others, only that you find what helps you. If you have any ideas for resources I should add, let me know.

📿 A Lacy Creation
How To Pray The Rosary
Make Your Own Rosary
📿 Rosary Army
Marian Shrine
📿 The Story of Knock (39 mins)
📿 The St. Benedict Medal Explained (8 mins)
Pray the Rosary, recorded
📿 Dcn. Mike Vander Bloomen, Glorious Mysteries (23 mins) 📿 Dcn. Mike Vander Bloomen, Joyful Mysteries (23 mins) 📿 Dcn. Mike Vander Bloomen, Luminous Mysteries (24 mins) 📿 Dcn. Mike Vander Bloomen, Sorrowful Mysteries (23 mins) 📿 Fr. Mark-Mary & Br. Malachy, The Holy Rosary (20 mins)
📿 Catholic Community Radio 📿 Covenant Network 📿 EWTN 📿 Relevant Radio 📿 Spirit Catholic Radio Network 📿 The Station of the Cross
Rosary Events, live
📿 Daily 5:00pm CT - Keith Nester, Rosary Crew 📿 Daily 7:00pm CT - Family Rosary Across America 📿 Mon 8:00pm CT - Scott Crevier 📿 Sun 6:30pm CT - Champion Shrine
Rosary Videos
📿 Did Jesus Really Warn Against Repetition in Prayer? (7 mins) 📿 How to Pray the Rosary Like Never Before (8 mins) 📿 The Easy Way(s) to Pray the Rosary (6 mins) 📿 Where Does the Rosary Come From? (11 mins)
📿 Marian Consecration Series
YouTube Channels
📿 A Catholic Mom's Life 📿 Ascension Presents 📿 Church Militant 📿 Diocese of Green Bay 📿 Full of Grace TV 📿 Relevant Radio